Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Impact of Work Life Balance

Question: Explain Impact of Work Life Balance in Small Hospitality Business. Answer: According to the modern business phenomenon, SMEs have been considered as the critical part with major support on the global economy. For instance in the recent hospitality business industry, SMEs have also been witnessed to build their long-term and sustainable position with competitive business strategies and improved operational processes (Ten Brummelhuis Van Der Lippe, 2010). In this regard, the major focus on increasing competent human capital has always been recognised as the most integrated strategic for the SMEs to obtain sustainable and competitive position in the modern hospitality industry (Yasbek, 2004). In the competitive small hospitality industry, the firms operate restaurants, bars and pubs are frequently observed to compel workforce to involve longer period of time in their respective job roles of serving with range of hospitality based products and services. In the recent days, the issues associated with increasing workload is one of the key factors contributing to emerge the concern that often make employees to hardly balance their professional and personal life (Peshave, M. A. Gujarathi, 2014). From the past research surveys, it has been critically observed that the issue relating to increasing workload also results growing number of absenteeism among the employees especially involved different job responsibilities in the small hospitality service providing organisations. The issue also results major physical and psychological stress on the employees along with various other negative consequences that often compel any individual member to commit undesirable absence in the wo rkplaces. Additionally, increasing rate in seek leave has also been emerged in the workplaces of small hospitality service providing organisations. The situation is therefore attained major attention and a critical focused area for the entrepreneurs and existing firms in order to reduce negative consequences and make employees satisfied in both their professional and personal life (Farrell, 2015; Peshave, M. A. Gujarathi, 2014). However, the cutthroat competition has often recognised to undermine the current work life balance of the employees with number of consequences. The mounting growth of the modern hospitality industry as well as unabated impact of employment trend in the SMEs have substantially increases major threats for the employees to successfully align their personal and professional needs (Farrell, 2015). Therefore, the proposed research study is aimed to critically determine the key indicators in the modern small hospitality industry that are more likely to undermine employees to make appropriate balance of their work life and how they impact on the employees to face major challenges to align their personal and professional needs. 2. Problem Statement With regard to the study findings revealed by Daniels (2000), work life balance is significantly a process that enable an individuals to perform best when they are able to make appropriate balance of their professional and personal life. Moreover, the definition of work life balance is also termed as a self-defined approach or a self-determined state of well-being that allow individuals to effectively manage multiple responsibilities that comprise emotional, family and physical well-being without any type of possible negative impacts. Since the last decade, there are numbers of strategic measures have been adopted by the SMEs in the hospitality business industry to undermine various issues associated with work life balance of employees. In this regard, a rapid growth in strategic focus with increasing number of women employees in the workplace, eradicating the longer hour operations in the work culture, technological advancement as well as transformation of family structures have bee n widely accepted in the hospitality industry in order to undermine the possible issue of employee work life balance. In the recent days, the growth of small hospitality service providers in Melbourne has been intending major competitive force due to the increasing growth of customers for different products and services offered by the restaurants, bars and pubs. The increasing business opportunity of these segment of hospitality service providers often increases workload on employees to work overtime and also compels them to work during weekends, night time and lunch time. Although the employees with overtime job responsibility are compensated by the small hospitality service providers, but the culture often increases major work life vulnerabilities among skilled workforce (Bardoel et al., 2000). Therefore, few of the leading small hospitality service providers are also witnessed to embrace business strategies that enable employees to effectively balance their work life. Therefore, the research proposal is intended to identify and evaluate the possible consequences that are often faced by the employ ees regarding the issues associated with work life balance in the small hospitality business industry of Melbourne (Daniels, 2000). 3. Research Objectives and Questions Emphasising the modern trend of employee job satisfaction in the small hospitality business industry of Melbourne, the primary question of the proposed research study is What are the key impacts of work life balance in small hospitality business? In order to critically address the research question, the study would critically aim to understand and evaluate the impacts of work life balance in the hospitality industry. Therefore, the key research question and aim of the proposed study would be critically examined with the following research objectives: To identify and explore the impacts of work life balance of employees in a small hospitality businesses To determine the strategic changes organisations have been undertaking to address the issues derived from work life balance To explore how work-life balance strategy can increase business profit in the modern small hospitality service providing organisations with empirical evidence Justification of the Project The small hospitality business industry of Melbourne has been undergoing a major competitive environment due to extensive scope and opportunities. In relation to the modern trend, the industry incorporates increasing numbers of consumers from both locally and globally due to the budding growth of commercialisation across different parts of the state. In this regard, a large number of competitors have also been recognised, which has been seemingly intensifying the workload of employees and led them to face major trouble to balance between their personal and professional life. Therefore, based on the increasing workload as well as intensifying pace of competition in small hospitality industry, an increasing attention in work life balance of employees has been gained in the academic research field. With this regard, the subject area has been selected which can help to critically identify and evaluate the key impacts that are generally faced by the employees in this particular business factors have been considered as the primary intention of the proposed research. Moreover, a critical understanding of the existing strategic measures undertaken by the small hospitality service providers have also been considered in this research study, which will help to understand that in what extent do the organisational strategies have been providing employees to reduce issues associated with their work life balance. The proposed research objectives that have developed for the study can give a major insight while investigating the key concern of employee work life balance in the modern small hospitality service sectors in Melbourne. Therefore, the possible output of the research study will significantly help to understand the key factors that are often compel employees to face major complexities in balancing their work life. Moreover, a formulation of possible strategic measures that can enable the marketers to reduce this particular concern can also be considered as a major outcome of this proposed research study. Expected Output or Outcomes of the Proposed Research The expected output of this proposed research study will provide an appropriate analytical framework in order to critically identify the key indicators that have major influence on balancing work life in the competitive small hospitality business industry of Melbourne. The process of developing analytical framework will provide an essential process of formulating and evaluating organisational strategies in respond to the chosen research problem and help the organisations to take effective measures to keep employees with their ultimate satisfaction in both personal and professional life. From the perspective of the selected business environment, the outcomes of revealing various possible strategic measures for addressing issues relating to work life balance of employees would substantially help the new ventures or business start-ups. The outcomes of this proposed research study would new ventures or business start-ups to consider adequate strategic measures and to avoid the negative consequences that can derived from the increasing workloads in the organisations. From an academic perspective, the chosen research subject area and hypothesis (to be developed in the following chapter) would substantially help to draw a clear picture about the key consequences that have been faced by the employees in this small hospitality business sectors due to the increasing workload and competitive forces. In this regard, the research objectives and hypothesis test would be highly beneficial for further research studies in order to reveal various key concerns associated with the impacts of work life issues of the employees. It will help the future research work to understand the effective way of developing and testing hypothesis along various data collection and data analysis works that are essentially required to analyse the current issue in work life balance in the specific small hospitality business sector. Conceptual Framework and Research Hypothesis The hospitality industry is growing throughout the world and it has a major impact on the global economy. With the increasing competition the position of hospitality industry is also getting impacted. The issue that is considered is regarding the work life of employee. It is noted that with the increasing competition employees are mounted with work loads which sometimes affects the personal life. Work life balance is of significance because it helps in managing both personal as well professional lives. The challenges of both personal and professional life are balanced through strategic implementation of varied aspects (Clutterbuck, 2003). The impact of the SME and work life balance is witnessed through proper diversification of strategies. It is vital to motivate employees by providing flexible timings and job rotations so that employees are in a position to maintain the balance. The strategies that are considered are many which include eradication of long working hours and technological advancement (Clutterbuck, 2003). The issues of work life balance can be mitigated by strategically maintaining work overtime and providing motivation. Contextually, small hospitality industry is taking measures to maintain work life balance by providing few extra benefits to women employees. The Melbourne hospitality industry is considered wherein the workload of employees is managed through providing flexibility and leaves as per the requirements. This helps to motivate employees and augment the profitability of the industry. Work life balance motivates employees to work and coordinate better for greater effectiveness (Chick, 2004). Based on the objectives of the paper the research hypothesis that is proposed and will be tested is: H (1): Work life balance has no impact on the small hospitality industry H (0): Work life balance has a positive impact on the small hospitality industry Methodology The methodology is planned in order to meet the objective and aims of the research paper. The intention of the methodologies is to explore the effectiveness of the paper by analyzing: Literature Review: Literature review provides an in-depth analysis on the aspect of hospitality sector and work life balance. The data are gathered from the secondary sources such as peer reviewed articles and journals to attain reliable and authentic data. The review determines the views of varied authors about the subject area. Data Collection Methods: The data is collected through the help of questionnaire survey in order to determine the views of people working in hospitality sector. The sample is collected from Melbourne to attain valid reliable information. The responses of the respondents are determined through the use five point Likert scale. The data gathered are collected and determined using the statistical measures so that the findings are reliable (Pathak, 2008). Data Analysis Method: The research approach implemented is a mixed approach as both the qualitative and quantitative data is analyzed using graphs and statistical models. The hypothesis testing is considered and the technique of regression for better analysis to explore the aspects of work life balance. The analysis of the data will be reliable because the approach is mixed.7. Organisation of the Study The organisation of the proposed research study is deemed to undertake the following outline: Gantt chart The research work is intended to be completed within a stipulated timeframe. Work life balance and its relevance in the small hospitality business require proper planning and strategic analysis for greater effectiveness. Task May June July August September October Project Proposal Review of Literature Collection of data Data analysis Final submission Project Budget with Justifications of the Proposed Research Study In order to undertake all the research activities of identifying and evaluating the key contributing factors of deteriorating work life balance of employees, a spending of around AU$5000 has been estimated. A clear justification about various activities to be carried out with their appropriate required fund have been illustrated hereunder: Research Activities and their Estimated Budget Literature Review: In order to successfully evaluate recent facts and relevant research materials, the literature review activity would require purchasing of pertinent academic and professional handbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles and various other online resources that are chargeable have been considered. Therefore, the overall purchasing of relevant data for reviewing literatures would cost around AU$1500 in this research study. 7.2 Data Collection Process: Apart from the data to be gathered from literatures, the study would also require undertaking a questionnaire study and interview session with valid group of respondents basically selected from the small hospitality service providing enterprises. The visiting of persons from different small hospitality based enterprises to gather relevant information is essential for this proposed study as it directly linked with their personal opinions of balancing work life while they are involved in different job positions in their enterprises. Therefore, cost associated with printing of questionnaire, travelling and mailing or posting consent letters to the selected sample population would require AU$2500. 7.3 Miscellaneous Expenses: In order to successfully achieve the overall aim and objectives of the research study, there are various other activities that would also require financial fund. Activities such as various analytical tools, charts, figures in data analysis process would be used in this study. Therefore, a cost of around AU$1000 has been projected to purchase various essential data analysis tools have been considered in this proposed study. In summary, the following table illustrates a clear estimation of the budget for the research: Research Activities Estimated Fund (AU$) Literature Review 1500 Data Collection Activities 2500 Miscellaneous (Purchasing of Data Analysis tools and instruments) 1000 Total Budget Estimated 5000 Ethical Considerations In this research study, a code of ethics has is one of the major parts will be integrated in order to prove validity and reliability of the overall research work ranging from literature review to data collection and data analysis process. In literature review, the facts and ideas associated with the type and impact of work life balance in small hospitality service enterprises have been evaluated from credible sources. In this regard, the literatures review section evaluated data from peer-reviewed journals, along with credible academic and online resources. In order to gather relevant information from questionnaire study, an informed proposal for the respondents would be developed in order to ensure them that the data to be used for the research would maintain adequate confidentiality. Moreover, the respondents will also be ensured that their personal detail or anything that might cause emotional and physical harm would be strongly concerned in this particular research. References Bardoel, E.A., Tharenou, P. Ristov, D. (2000). The changing composition of the Australia Chick, E.D., (2004). Fundamentals of Work-Life Balance. USA: American Society for Training and Development. Clutterbuck, D., (2003). Managing Work-life Balance: A Guide for HR in Achieving Organisational and Individual Change. UK: CIPD. Daniels, L. 2000. The work-life manual: Gaining a competitive edge by balancing then demands of employees work and home lives. The Industrial Society: London Farrell, K. (2015). Work-life Balance Practices among Irish Hotel Employees and Implications for HRM. Dublin Institute of Technology, 1-28. Pathak, R.P., (2008). Methodology of Educational Research. UK: Atlantic Publishers Dist. Peshave, M. A. Gujarathi, R. (2014). An Analysis of Work-Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry. Asian J. Management 5(1), 69-74. Ten Brummelhuis, L.L. Van Der Lippe, T. (2010) Effective work-life balance support for various household structures, Human Resource Management, 49(2), pp. 173-193. workforce to work family issue. International Human Resource Issues, 1(1), pp. 58-80. Yasbek, P. (2004). The business case for firm-level work-life balance policies: a review of the literature. New Zealand Department of Labour, 1-25.

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